Best of New Orleans with Kids: Audubon Zoo

Best of New Orleans with Kids: Audubon Zoo

We recently traveled to New Orleans with our 1 & 2 year old.  We connected with the Audubon Institute to explore some of their attractions.  We were able to visit the Audubon Zoo and the Audubon Aquarium!  Both are highly recommended....even if you're traveling without kids! 

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What to do with Kids in Florida's Panhandle

What to do with Kids in Florida's Panhandle

Florida’s panhandle has so much to offer for families. If you are traveling with kids along I-10 and looking for places to stop, look no further. This is a list of the best things to do in Florida’s Emerald Coast with Kids. Whether you are traveling with a baby, toddler or kids; you won’t be disappointed. So, make the perfect pit stop in the Panhandle with our suggestions!

Photo Courtesy of: Natalie Zepp Photography

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Kid Friendly Krakow

Kid Friendly Krakow

"Poland was more than I ever imagined.  The people are extremely friendly, the food is delicious, everything is cheap, and the sites are full of complex history.  When you visit Poland, stay longer than we did.  There is so much more to see and we will definitely be going back for a more expansive tour."

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10 Reasons Why We love DAYTRIP

10 Reasons Why We love DAYTRIP

Day Trip provides the perfect transfer service for families. If you are traveling Europe with children, you need to consider Day Trip as a means to get from one city to another. They provide door to door service. They provide age-appropriate car seats, they speak English and they are cheaper than trains! You can book a regular car or an oversized van depending on your family size.

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Prague with Kids

Prague with Kids

"Prague is a gorgeous city in the Czech Republic with so much history.  Before our trip, we had heard many great things about this destination and we were not disappointed. We traveled before peak season and found everything to be relatively slow, but the major attractions still had A LOT of tourists – I am assuming peak season would be almost unbearable."

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I left my Husband and Still-nursing Son in Another Country on Accident

I left my Husband and Still-nursing Son in Another Country on Accident

"...I was pretty thrilled with myself because I knew I would have time to get seats and get situated and all Jimmy would have to do is get on the train and give us food!!  PERFECT!!  We board the train. (<-- WORST decision we make all day) My parent’s grab a table and the 4 seats and take Charletta with them.  I am battling bicyclists to get our giant double stroller on the train.  After they finally get their bikes loaded and I get the stroller situated the door to the train closes and the train starts moving. IT. STARTS. DRIVING. AWAY....."

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From Florida to Virginia....and Back

From Florida to Virginia....and Back

"I imagined both kids crying (and probably me) crying the entire drive and me asking myself every 10 minutes why I wanted to do it in the first place. If you think this sounds dramatic, you’ve never driven in the car with a baby/toddler who is able to cry for four or more hours straight, who didn’t sleep AT ALL on an ELEVEN hour drive from Florida to Texas, and who’s cry is the same decibel as a firing rifle. Thankfully though trip went nothing like I imagined and I am so grateful."


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One Day in New York City with 3 Kids under 2

One Day in New York City with 3 Kids under 2

If you are visiting New York City with kids and you only have one day, I have put together a fun list of things to do. You will definitely want to make a list and plan your route so that you don’t miss anything. There are many challenges and many rewards to visiting New York City with children, so strap in and get ready for an adventure you won’t forget! New York City in one day is definitely possible!

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5 Amazing Weeks in Montgomery, Alabama

5 Amazing Weeks in Montgomery, Alabama

"I can not believe it's been a year since our time in Montgomery.  They say the days are long, but the years are short and this year went by in the blink of an eye.  While this trip happened a while back, it is worth it for me to share my experiences because they were so positive and we really did have such a good time."


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Traveling Through the Trimesters & with a Baby

Traveling Through the Trimesters & with a Baby

"Since becoming a family of three we have found new ways to enjoy ourselves. We no longer spend our nights exploring the local bar scene, but we now have a new travel tradition that we love: we always eat dinner together in the hallway of our hotel while our baby sleeps.  We have ordered carry out and room service, but we still sit together where we can talk and enjoy each other’s company.  Traveling has always been a way for us to connect and this is a new quirk that we both get a kick out of.  It sounds silly, but it’s ours and we love it. We have adapted to this new normal.  Life with a baby is different that life without one.  Life with two babies will be even more different, but I know when this baby gets here we will settle in like all families do.  Our life will go on and be twice as exciting as it is now."

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Surviving a Layover with a Baby Nomad

Surviving a Layover with a Baby Nomad

Flights can be compared to running a marathon; there are water stations for a reason.  Grab a sip of water, mentally regroup, and possibly walk instead of run for 100 feet.  It is essential for runners to have small ways to recharge and continue on.  Layovers are my travel day water stations. 

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What to consider before booking a flight with kids

What to consider before booking a flight with kids

Seat Selection

This is my Daughter playing on the floor during our flight from FLorida to Arizona. first class bulk head - delta &nbsp;

This is my Daughter playing on the floor during our flight from FLorida to Arizona. first class bulk head - delta  

Where you sit on the airplane will make or break your trip.  The best seat on the airplane is the First Class bulkhead, but most of us aren’t rich, so the second best is the coach bulkhead seat.  If you can’t get either of these, try for the back row, aisle seat if you are alone.  If you and another adult will be traveling with the kids then I suggest one of you booking the window seat, one book the aisle seat and hope no one takes the middle.  The good news is if someone does take the middle seat, they will definitely be willing to switch seats with you so you guys can sit together.  If you have multiple children traveling with you, the same concept applies, except that you will be purchasing a seat for the additional children. 

Time of departure/arrival

When booking tickets for our trip, I think a lot about what time we leave and what time we will be arriving.  If I can, I try to book departure for a time after our normal waking time and an arrival that gives us plenty of time before the normal bedtime.  However, this is not always possible and if you are traveling internationally, you need to see our other post about dealing with jetlag and kids.

My husband and daughter both asleep on a "to EARLY" flight

My husband and daughter both asleep on a "to EARLY" flight

Infant in Arms

When you book a ticket for yourself and a baby, you do not have to get them their own seat.  Children under 2 are allowed to fly as an “infant in arms” at no additional cost. (You do have to pay taxes on them for international flights)  Airlines always recommend your child to have their own seat and that they be in a car seat or child restraint.  Once you book your ticket, you can go in and add the “infant in arms” note on the airline website.  If you can’t figure out, give them a call and they can add it for you.  It must be on your ticket or your baby may not be able to get through TSA or board.

Don’t kid yourself.

I have booked so many plane tickets and logged hundreds of hours searching for the best deal.  There is a time a place to save $20.  Taking a 35-minute layover versus a 2 hour layover is not the time for that.  You are not traveling alone, you do not have control over delays or distance between gates, and chances are, you are not an Olympic runner.  (If you are…you still need to reconsider)  I have fallen victim to this.  I have sprinted from one end of the Minneapolis airport to the other and still missed a flight.  Don’t be me.  Spend the $20, get a reasonable layover, keep your sanity.

The baby bassinet (international flight)

That's our daughter in there!&nbsp; The straps Are Required to be strapped while shes asleep! (Delta)

That's our daughter in there!  The straps Are Required to be strapped while shes asleep! (Delta)

Everyone with a small infant wants this on their International flight.  For us, we had to call Delta to get the bulkhead seats, then we had to go to the gate agents early and remind them we wanted the bassinet.  Once we got on the plane, we made sure we asked again.  We ended up with the bassinet on both long legs and it was helpful to be able to lay her down when she slept.  It gave us a good break.  Every airline does this differently and the bassinet can be elusive, so be sure to take care of yourself and call the airline.  A few days before your big flight, call them again and just be sure it’s all still good to go.

As always, we love your feedback, questions and additional tips!  Please comment below or contact us!

Fly Brave.  Travel Often.  See everything.
